Title: ガリレオ
Title (romaji): Galileo
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast start: 2013-April-15
Air time: Monday 21:00
Utsumi Kaoru visits Yukawa Manabu to introduce him to Kishitani Misa, a rookie detective and Teito University graduate who joined the police force last year. Kaoru begins to talk about a case that occured at a Kamata multi-tenant building five years ago. It was a case in which the follower of a shady new cult plunged to his death from the fifth floor of the building which had become a branch of the church. However, the cult’s founder Renzaki Shiko said the cause of the death was due to his communication of this follower’s feelings in a seance. The police had to release Renzaki due to the lack of evidence. Kaoru shows Yukawa a series of continuous shots that a magazine’s photographer took on the night of the incident until the follower fell. She tells him that Renzaki did not lay a finger on the follower and that the eyeballs of the deceased was clouded. Learning that Renzaki is still conducting seances, Yukawa shows a strong interest in the possibility of scientifically verifying phenomena which has a high likelihood of being reproduced. The proud and confident Misa is bewildered by Yukawa’s lack of interest in the background of the case, but visits the cult’s base with him. It is a community deep in the mountains. Renzaki and his followers are living a life of self-sufficiency here. Misa asks Renzaki to let her experience a seance but … … Jdramas Wordpress
Subtitles : 480p || 720p-JApanTV
E03 Torrents : 720p-JapanTV
Subtitles : 720p-JapanTV
EP 6 Sub is Torrent file of the EP can you please fix it need the sub Fast XD ..... Thanks :)